Will you welcome the vocation prayer materials into your home for one week and pray for the current and future vocations (religious, sisters, deacons, and priests) of our church?
Join the Vocational Prayer Ministry to receive the vocational prayer materials (Chalice, Statue of St. Therese of Lisieux and a Vocational prayer card for you to keep) in your home for a week! At this time, please limit your sign up to one week since we are hoping to bring the materials into as many homes as possible to pray for an outpouring of vocations.
The sign up is for one week and you will receive the materials at the weekend Mass of your choice and then bring the materials back to the Church Office the following Friday afternoon by 4pm for another family to receive the next weekend Mass. To sign up, use the links to the right. You can sign up for any of the following Masses- Sat 4pm, Sunday 7:30am, 11:30am or 6pm.
If you have additional questions, you can contact us at the link to the right. The Vocational Prayer Ministry is sponsored by the Marian Servants of the Eucharist.