St. George Parish welcomes registered families with children who do not attend Catholic school to enroll into the Parish School of Religion (PSR) Program. Faith Formation classes are offered for children in grades 1st through 10th grade. Class sessions begin in September and end the last week of April.
Families must register their children in the PSR Program in order to attend classes. Please complete the PSR Registration form (see sidebar) and submit it electronically. The fee for PSR registration is $45 per child, not to exceed $75 per family. A fee is not assessed for the Kindergarten Program, but we ask that parents complete the on-line registration form.
Registration for the 2024-2025 PSR school year begins July 16th and ends on September 1st.
Kindergarten (ages 5–6)
The Kindergarten PSR program consists of an at-home workbook study.
A registration fee will not be assessed for the Kindergarten Program, but we ask that parents complete the on-line registration form so that we can monitor participation.
Elementary (1st-6th Grade)
Tuesday evenings, 5:45-7:00 PM
Elementary PSR classes meet on Tuesday evenings from 5:45 – 7:00 PM in Kleinpeter Activity Center.
Junior High/ High School PSR (7th-10th Grade)
Sunday afternoons, 3:30-5:30 PM
Junior High and High School PSR classes will meet in the KAC from 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM on the following Sundays. Please access the calendar link below to see the dates.
Elementary PSR Calendar, Carpool Map, and Room Assignments
We encourage families to attend mass weekly with their children. The Eucharist is central to our Catholic Faith, and weekly participation in the Mass is critical to your child's faith formation. Faith must be practiced to be meaningful, and Mass attendance as a family is an important extension of your child's religious education.
To enhance your child’s experience in church, the Parish offers some programs during church to help engage our youth:
(Kindergarten-6th Grade)
Molly Rose
(225) 293-2212
Contact Molly
PSR Contact (7th-10th Grade)
Catherine Stewart
(225) 293-2212
Contact Catherine