Preparing to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation (also known as Penance) for the first time is an exciting time. It is a time for focus on God’s mercy, how we forgive among our family, friends, and community, and how we celebrate forgiveness. Children of the parish who are in second grade or up are invited to begin the formal preparation to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In order to register for this preparation, the children must meet the requirements (listed below) and the family must submit a Faith Formation registration form to the parish office.
First Reconciliation Mandatory Parent Seminar
The mandatory parent seminar will be on September 17, 2024, at 6:00 PM in the Kleinpeter Activity Center. One parent/guardian is required to attend.
First Reconciliation Family Component
St. George's preparation for Reconciliation is set up for parents and children to prepare at home and during religion class. We encourage preparation at home since it is the home where each child's faith is most cultivated. Worksheets, with eight lessons, designed to guide families will be sent home. These will lead the entire family through familiar Bible stories, offer discussion points, and suggest activities for you and your child while on this journey. The finished books are then returned to the parish. In order to support parents during this time, the parish offers interviews, parent seminars, and retreats.
Weekly Mass Attendance with Family
Vital importance to a child’s preparation is the family’s participation at Mass on a weekly basis. The Mass is a revelation and the greatest expression of the Catholic faith. It is here that the preparation for this Sacrament comes alive. It is where, as a community, we offer as a sacrifice our successes and failures and where God accepts them with great joy guiding us to a deeper relationship with Him.
First Reconciliation Mandatory Retreat
The mandatory retreat will be on October 5, 2024 from 9:00 A.M.-12 NOON. The retreat is designed to engage children through dramatizations, video, and crafts and teach them about God's forgiveness received through Reconciliation.
The celebration of First Reconciliation will be on December 7, 2024 at 9:00 A.M. This celebration will begin with a short introduction and then ushers will lead families to one of the stations set up around the church. The children should wear attire appropriate for church.
After your family has received reconciliation, you are asked to spend a few minutes in prayer after your reconciliation. Then you may go into the lobby, sign the book of remembrance, place the children’s sheep (which was made during the retreat) on the banner, and leave.
First Reconciliation Seminar (Mandatory)
September 17 - 6:00 P.M.
(Only one parent is required to attend. Children do not attend)
First Reconciliation Retreat (Mandatory)
October 5 - 9:00 A.M.- 12 NOON
(First Reconciliation candidate and one parent)
First Reconciliation
December 7
(More details to follow)